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More than one thousand individuals with hemopyrrolactamuria (HPU) who have completed the questionnaire below will be included in research in collaboration with a University Research Center. The purpose of this process is to provide a second screening questionnaire to gather further evidence of HPU in these individuals. A screening questionnaire is also of great importance for school doctors to be able to diagnose the disorder in children.

The questionnaire is eventually linked to the individuals’s HPU test results as well as to any other test carried out such as histamine whole blood test, fructosamine test, zinc and copper status, and tests investigating hormonal regulation.

Please contact our center to see which tests in this list may be of interest to you and appropriate to carry out for your individual research.

The KEAC has compiled a database of results gathered from 5,338 completed questionnaires. The results can be seen in a report report of individuals with an HPL value of greater than 1 μmol/l.

Hormonal Regulation

Hormonale regulation
I need(ed) to urinate frequently 70,0%
I have/had a low blood pressure 44,0%
I regularly feel full after eating 54,0%
I regularly have complaints of a sour stomach 44,0%
I often have to break wind after a meal 66,0%
I am hungry between meals 80,0%
I have a lot of hair on my body 20,0%
I have dry eyes, nose, mouth and vagina 50,0%


I am a perfectionist 70,0%
I like to be with people 84,0%
I can feel if I can trust someone 62,0%
I consider a clean house as important 64,0%
I have an eye for detail 74,0%
I like to have colors perfectly matched 58,0%
I have no trouble matching colors 68,0%
I am often impatient 68,0%
During my education there was a period with poor grades 72,0%
I have not finished at least two courses, which I started 46,0%
I can be compulsive 40,0%

Joint problems

Joint problems
I used to dislike gym. 58,0%
I can barely do push ups or pull myself up in rings or I have trouble climbing a rope 68,0%
I have regular pain in my knees 66,0%
Mainly left 14,0%
Mainly right 24,0%
I used to be very nimble, even hypermobile 42,0%
Often I am stiff in the morning 56,0%
I had a spinal hernia 6,0%
There seems to be a lot of clearance in my jaws 32,0%
I had pelvic instability 18,0%
I have low back problems around the time of my periods 64,0%
I use to practise gymnastics, ballet or jazz ballet 48,0%
I hear ringing or rushing sound in my ears 44,0%
I am often dizzy 62,0%

Sunlight sensitivity

Sensitivity to sun or light
I don’t tolerate heat very well 62,0%
When it’s sunny, I usually wear sunglasses 64,0%
I am very sensitive to sun or light 44,0%
If I am exposed to the sun, I usually get a rash or blisters after a few days (sun allergy) 40,0%
I don’t tan as much as I used to do 44,0%
I usually tan to a yellow- or golden brown color, but not a intense brown color 52,0%
My face usually tans less than the rest of my body 46,0%
I often look pale 68,0%
I lose my tan rapidly 58,0%
Stretch marks (such as during pregnancy) tend to be darker than te surrounding skin 4,0%


I have hay fever (polinosis) (itchy eyes ogen, running nose or stopped nose) mainly in summer 36,0%
I am allergic to the house dust mite (itchy eyes ogen, running nose or stopped nose in winter) 40,0%
I have chronic ENT problems (ear, nose or throat) 38,0%
II have lung problems (CNLSD, shortness of breath wheezing, bronchitis) 30,0%
I have a food allergy 54,0%
I am allergic to animals 26,0%
I am sensitive to histamine (hyperreactivity) 36,0%
I regularly have eczema or skin rash in my arm pits 24,0%
I have / had a tingling sensation in my mouth after eating of 34,0%
Nuts 14,0%
kiwi 20,0%
pineapple 22,0%
melon 12,0%
Apple 16,0%
stone fruit (plum, peach and apricot) 14,0%
I get skin problems after using certain cosmetics 38,0%
I am allergic to nickel or get skin rashes after contact with certain jewellery 62,0%
I am allergic to wool 20,0%
I am allergic or sensitive to gluten; I do not tolerate wheat, rye, barley or oats very well 28,0%
I don’t tolerate alcohol very well 56,0%
I don’t tolerate coffee very well 42,0%
I don’t tolerate carbohydrates or sugars very well 42,0%
I don’t tolerate a lot of protein (barbecue) very well (especially animal protein like meat, fish or poultry) 38,0%


Histamine sensitiviteit
I am often very tired 90,0%
I have a very sensitive skin; I have skin problems 62,0%
I have a dry itchy skin 54,0%
I often have cold hands or feet 82,0%
I have chillblains on hand and feet (chapped hand or feet in the cold 38,0%
I easily get bruises on my arms or legs 64,0%
I often get a headache or migraine 60,0%
After drinking alcoholic beverages I get noticeably red in my face and neck 22,0%
I have a bad set of teeth (more than seven dental fillings) 50,0%
If I gain weight, it is usually on the hips and thighs 62,0%
I am or was depressed 64,0%
I sometimes get a racing or bounding pulse or skipp hart beats 50,0%
I am very critical 72,0%


Menstruale complaints
My periods are irregular 41,9%
I have skipped a period, sometimes longer than eight weeks 34,9%
I have light periods 25,6%
I have heavy periods 51,2%
I am using the pill to control menstrual complaints 37,2%
During or before my period I have a sensitive, swollen breasts, bloated abdomen, abdominal pain or back pain de menstruatie 72,1%
During or before my periods I can easily gain weight of more than two pounds 67,4%
I ofen have problems with vaginal Candida-infections (white trush) 67,4%
During ovulation, I have a lot of clear discharge 37,2%
I often have a cystitis (bladder infection) 25,6%
I regularly have a urinary tract or kidney infection 0,0%
I have had problem with breast cysts 9,3%
I have had a lot of body hair 23,3%
I use anti-conception 48,8%


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Weight problems

Weight problems
What is your weight in kilo’s?
What is your length in centimeters?
I have put on weight 12,0%
From birth I was a chubby child 10,0%
Relatively early, at about 10 years of age, puberty (hair and breast growth) gaining weight started 10,0%
About 1-2 years after my first menstrual period, gaining weight started 26,0%
After the second or third pregnancy, gaining weight started 8,0%
After menopause, weight gain started 4,0%
I have difficulties losing weight by dieting 32,0%
After losing weight, I seem to gain it back within a short period of time 30,0%

Sugar problems

Sugar problems
I usually feel tense 52,0%
If I feel tense, I tend to eat 46,0%
I have a big appetite but don’t gain weight 22,0%
I get hungry between meals 78,0%
I get shaky, dizzy and nauseated when I get hungry 70,0%
I am early tense, irritated or nervous before the warm meal 38,0%
I am less tired when I eat something 46,0%
If I skip a meal, I get shaky, pale, get dizzy er even faint 38,0%
I wake up most nights at 3 AM 44,0%
I can be really aggressive at times 48,0%

General health complaints

General health problems
I have / had anemia 60,0%
I am often pale in the face 68,0%
I have an abnormal reaction to sleeping pills (barbiturates) 8,0%
I am / was vegetarian for more than 6 months 8,0%
As a kid, I was very excited or upset 34,0%
I have regular diarrhea – also mushy bowel movement 54,0%
I have constipation on a regular basis 42,0%
My stool is regularly light in color 46,0%
I suffered from abdominal pain in the upper area 52,0%
I am suffering from an irritated bowel or spastic intestine 64,0%
I am suffering from morning sickness 26,0%
I have / had a candida (mold) infection in the intestine 42,0%
I have calcareous nails; I have white moldy nails 22,0%
I have taken antibiotics very often 44,0%
I had pneumonia a few times 6,0%
I had meningitis 2,0%
I had bronchitis 30,0%
I had piperic gland disease 36,0%
I have a visibly enlarged thyroid gland-a thickening on my neck 10,0%
I have had restless legs 34,0%
I have sleeping problems 60,0%
I get cramps regularly 54,0%
I am sensitive to pain 52,0%
I sometimes have double vision 24,0%
My eyelids are shaking regularly 44,0%
My calves are always tight or tense 28,0%
My muscles will sometimes shake 60,0%
I suffer from a deviant body odor 16,0%
I often have white spots on my nails 34,0%
I am often suffering from bad breath 34,0%
I have often caught a cold 38,0%
I often have a dry skin 60,0%
My mother was pretty manipulatieve while growing up 28,0%
When I go with someone in the car, I am under the impression that cars are approaching me 18,0%
When I go with someone in the car, I am under the impression that the driver is not keeping enough distance 50,0%