With this key you can try, in your own way, to determine whether or not it makes sense to do the HPU-urine® test and in which areas it’s influence is felt. These areas are an indication of which additional testing might be advisable.
Hormonal Regulation
If you scored 4 or more, note in the box mark at page 26 a “1”. If your score was less than 4 but you checked the question on frequent urination and I have/had low blood pressure plus one of the other questions, then place a “1” anyway. The TSH test can be done to get an impression of the regulation of the thyroid. TSH is secreted by the pituitary and regulates the thyroid.
By low blood pressure and/or frequent urination you can also determine cortisol. Blood needs to be drawn before 10 AM. Usually this test will not get abnormalities, but an adrenal stress profile that is done with saliva several times during the day does show abnormalities.
Problems with the joints
If in this area you scored 6 or more items, you certainly should have the HPU-urine test® done. Note a “2” in the proper place at the end. If you scored 4-5 items, note a “1”. Are you younger than 20 and scored 4 or 5 items, note a “2”.
If you scored 4 or more items here, you are a candidate for the HPU-urine test®. Note a “2” in the correct area. If you scored 3 items, note a “1”. If you are younger than 20 years old, mark a “2” in the area if you scored 3 items or more.
Sunlight sensitivity
If you score 5 or more items in this area, you are a candidate for the HPU-urine test®. Note a “2” in the little box at the end. If you score 3 items, note a “1”. If you are younger than 20 years, you may note a “2” just the same.
Because allergy symptoms can be determined by other factors than just distress such as HPU, the implication of the answers in this area not as great. If you have hay-fever, allergy to dust mites or chronic ENT symptoms then you score a “1”. If you are allergic, it makes sense to determine total IgE. If you have chronic ENT symptoms or lung emphysema, then you are advised to test for alfa-1-antitrypsine. If you have a lot of food allergies, then IgG screening for food/yeast’s should be done.
Histamine Sensitivity
If you score 5 or more in this area, consider the HPU-urine test®. Note a “2” in the box. If you score 4 items, note a “1”. If you are younger than 20 years and score 4 items, note a “2”. If the HPU-test turns out to be positive, you should do a histamine whole blood test, especially if you have fatigue.
Menstrual problems
Menstruation problems can have different causes. If you have/had PMS symptoms, use the “pill” because of menstruation complaints and have very little blood loss during your period, then you score a “1”. Even when the menstruation stopped for a long period, you note one point. Young girls who don’t yet menstruate and men score here 1 point.
Problems with Pregnancy
This area has not been included in the guide for obvious reasons. Typical HPU-complaints would be nausea (morning sickness) after 12 weeks, complaints of sour/acid stomach or regurgitating stomach acid toward the end of the pregnancy, anaemia, diabetes during the pregnancy, toxaemia, and problems conceiving. See the explanation for more comments.
Weight Problems
Low weight
Take your length in centimetres, subtract 100. Take the remainder of this and divide by ten. Subtract this remainder from the first number. Subtract another 5. Is your weight (in kilograms) lower than this number, note a “1” in the box. For example: your length is 168 cm (168-100=68). Then divide by 10 (=68 becomes 6.8 or 7 rounded off). Subtract this from the 68, which gives you 61. If your weight is less than 56 kg, note a “1”.
Low weight
If you didn’t score with low weight, then again subtract 100 from your length in centimetres. Take the remainder, divide by 10 and add this to the remainder. Add another 5. Is your weight (in kilograms) higher than this number, note a “1” in the box. A new example: You are 168 cm (168-100=68). Divide this by 10 (=68 becomes 6.8 or 7 rounded off). Add this result. That will be about 75 kg. If your weight is more than 80 kg, note a “1”. In all other cases note a “0”.
Sugar Problems
If you scored five or more items, then you are a candidate for HPU testing. Note a “1”. If you scored four items and you are younger than 20, note a “1” anyway. If you are presently using a Candida, diabetes or hypoglycaemia diet, note a “1”. If your HPU test turns out to be positive, you can determine fructosamine as indicator for your blood sugar level. If fructosamine is low, it means an under activity of the thyroid (hypothyroidism).
General Health Problems
Constipation, diarrhoea, light coloured stools and upper abdominal pain are typical complaints. If you scored at least two of these problems, note a “1”. If you have frequent diarrhoea and constipation, you can have IgA tested for gluten (a different test from celiac disease test).