Pattern of complaints
HPU can show different patterns of complaints.
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HPU can show different patterns of complaints.
Direct complaints caused by shortages of pyridoxal-5-phosphate (active vitamin B6), zinc or manganese. Anyone with HPU has several of these features:
At very high concentrations hemopyrrollactam-complex the complaints aggravate. In addition new complaints can arise such as:
The emergence of secondary complaints depends on the oxidative stress, age (the older, the more complaints), storage porfyrigene connections and contributory factors such as stress, contraceptives, medication, other diseases and vegetarianism . The main secondary complaints are:
By copper deposition a whole new pattern of complaints is created. Copper is bound to HPL and vitamin D3. There can be a copper deficit as well. Ceruplasmine drops and heavy metals accumulate. The liver becomes overloaded. The nervous system start to get overactive as well as the brain. The number of complaints is increasing rapidly and overload threatens (burn out).
Director Dr. John Kamsteeg
Chamber of Commerce/Handelskammer/- Kamer van Koophandel No. 90821084
VAT/BTW-nr. NL865464479B01
Office hours/Öffnungszeiten/Geopend:
Mo/ma, Tu/di, We/Mi/wo, Th/do 9.00-12.30 hr.
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