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Hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU)

In Hemopyrrollactamuria (HPU), the body excretes a substance called HPL-complex into the urine. The excretion of this substance  indicates an inborn error of haem synthesis, in which excess Copro I is spontaneously synthesized. This compound is broken down and excreted, causing yet more Copro I to be excreted. The excretion of both HPL-complex and Copro I increases in a carbohydrate-free diet. The use of pyridoxal-5-phosphate, zinc and manganese supplementation  for a period of 3-4 months allows a gradual decrease in the excretion of Copro I.

HPU and then…? book by Dr. J. Kamsteeg

Chronic fatigue, being overweight, headaches, gastro-intestinal complaints, allergies and sleep disturbances are very common health problems, especially in women.

Dr. J. Kamsteeg, biochemist and founder of KEAC Parkstad in Heerlen, the Netherlands, discovered that there is an elevated excretion of a specific compound in many of these cases. Almost 10% of all women and more than 1% of all men have a positive result for this compund, known as HPL-complex, in an HPU-urine test.

This book offers the most up to date information about hemopyrrollactamuria or HPU. It addresses not only the mechanisms which underlie symptoms, such as fructose and gluten-intolerance, but also offers possible solutions for treatment. Conditions frequently found in addition to a positive HPU-score, such as diabetes, Hashimoto’s disease (an auto-immune thyroid disease) and PBC (an auto-immune liver disease) are also covered in some detail. Citations of people with a positive HPU-score support the text.
